Island 2.0 - 100,000 more bottles and there’s more land

Inspiration, Real Value, The Future, sustainability | Tim Norton | 1 Comment

I wrote about Richy Sowa and his Spiral Island initiative last year in How to Make an Island and solve a few of the worlds problems. He had already made one amazing island from some 300,000 bottles, but it got destroyed by a hurricane, and last year in September, he had just started rebuilding… Well its just over a year on, and he now has a new home in Mexico, floating on 100,000 left over plastic bottles an island with house, solar panels, fresh water system and more… Has to be seen to be believed, so until any of us get to Mexico, this video will have to do…


Watch the Latest Video Tour of the new Island

Find more videos like this on Richie Sowa’s Spiral Island II

1 person has commented on this post

  1. I lived with Richie back in the 80s in Germany, even then he was creative one winter we built a igloo in the back garden and Richie and his kids slept out all night, me i slept in doors, If any one see,s Richie pass on my regards John

    john wait | Dec 11th, 2009 at 11:49 am

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