
New Blog Design coming soon…

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We’ve been working on our blog strategy and design over the last while, as we get more of a focus on building communities, and 2 major things are going to happen. The first is getting a focus by cutting the blogs into 2; one for PlanHQ product and company related stuff, and the 2nd make it happen just for smart ideas and advice growing your business. The second is our next generation design, which Amiria has done a beautiful job of (see below), will let you know when the changes roll through.

Fitting in with Googles vision of the web office

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I've been fortunate enough to spend a little time over the past few days with Google Business Development Manager Tom Duterme, as he's been chatting to and giving advice to a bunch of online companies at the XMedia Lab conference held in our home town in Silicon Welly and talking about what google looks for in potential acquisitions. Visibility Mobility and Freedom for you and your...(Read more)

PlanHQ at Apple Developers Conference

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Jeremy is on his way to the Apple Developers conference for next week, which should be great fun for him, if you're around the conference, drop him a line jeremy at planhq dot com. Although there's still a few days to go, Steve Jobs won't be announcing PlanHQ as Apple major partner, although I think if he could see just how well the icon from our...(Read more)

Koz at Railsconf 08 in Portland next week

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Koz at Railsconf 08 in Portland next week

It's that time of year again, and PlanHQ co-founder and CTO and Rails core team member Koz will be in Portland next week speaking at O'reilly Railsconf. If you're in the Rails community you'll know who Koz is, but if you're looking at doing something with PlanHQ and in the area, then try and connect with Koz.

PlanHQ’s Method takes care of the madness

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An Article in Wellington's Dominion Post talks about how PlanHQ helps teams work together on setting the businesses goals and making them happen. It's possible they could have taken the picture of me at a worse moment... I think ; )