We’re pretty big on managing our workload for the week ahead, and PlanHQ has been made to make this really easy to do it for yourself and together as a team. We’ve got heaps on, and every person is working on things towards achieving multiple goals across the business, so on Monday we get together and see whats on each others plate for the week ahead and re-prioritize until everyone has a workload thats achievable and that means we’ll have a killer week in terms of outcomes. Once you team is on this, its hard not to get completely hooked, things get done, goals get achieved, weeks feel very full.
Amiria is brilliant at managing her weekly workload and because we get super ambitious and normally put too much on her plate, we get together on Monday around her dashboard and work together on mapping out whats actually going to get done, and then she’s away until Friday where her plate is complete and I just see email notifications on my iphone telling me when all the work gets completed, which is just great.