Its one thing to get things done and eat through your action or task lists, but it really feels good when all that work leads to achieving a goal.

Achieving Goals Regularly
Goals can be set at many different levels, in PlanHQ some people set their long term strategic goals, but most set short and medium term goals that can actually be achieved in a reasonable period of time, so you’re regularly generating outcomes, rather than just staying busy. Like launching a new verison of your product, a new website, raising some money, hiring a sales person, launching a new marketing campaign, securing 3 major deals… These are visible and measurable outcomes that will change the state of your business. You know that when you achieve them they enable you to do something else you couldn’t before.
Think about what outcomes you want to see over the next few months, write them down and get them into your plan on PlanHQ and get to working on achieving them with your crew, and
It's World Environment Day tomorrow, and our home base Wellington, New Zealand is this years host country and city. You'd hope this was an everyday thing really in our lives, but for now having a day marked for it is a chance to have a wakeup call and remind ourselves and the people around us that the environment is the base of all we have.
So...(Read more)
We've made PlanHQ relatively open to your team by default, to encourage a culture of transparency and accountability, where everyone knows whats going on and gets on with making it happen. As more medium sized or larger small businesses come on board, we've continued to put in additional security so that managers can let all team members into PlanHQ and manage their extra confidential management...(Read more)
We've simplified the security roles in PlanHQ so you can get your whole team involved and limit who sees what that when you add a team member you can make them either:
Manager: Has unrestricted access. They can view and manage all the company data, including financials, others private goals and reports
Staff Members: Restricted access - Cannot view the company reports, Have summary or no access...(Read more)
We've been working on our blog strategy and design over the last while, as we get more of a focus on building communities, and 2 major things are going to happen. The first is getting a focus by cutting the blogs into 2; one for PlanHQ product and company related stuff, and the 2nd make it happen just for smart ideas and advice growing your...(Read more)