Financial Post - Measure Actions against Projections

PlanHQ | PlanHQ | 0 Comments

Financial PostThe Canadian Financial Post just did a review on PlanHQ under there section on tools of the trade for small businesses, check out Measure action against projections.

I like the way they’ve marked up our interface, as below.

Financial Post - PlanHQ

Set your own standards and do more than just enough

Balance, You - Direction - Energy | PlanHQ | 0 Comments

Set your own standards and do more than just enough

It sometimes still surprises me when I see people who are surrounded by highly motivated people yet still do just enough to get by. To me it shows that they just miss the point. Life is not about getting the right incentives to do something, its not about getting the same things in return for your time that most other people do, as most people just...(Read more)

Raising VC money - Jeff Clavier SoftTech VC

PlanHQ, Raising Capital | PlanHQ | 1 Comment

Raising VC money - Jeff Clavier SoftTech VC

I had the chance to speak with Jeff Clavier of SoftTech VC back at the web 2 summit last year about raising money from VC's. Jeff specializes in online businesses based in Silicon Valley, but as a very experienced entrepreneur and investor, he's got a lot of great advice for entrepreneurs, thanks Jeff! Video by:

Healthy body, Healthy Mind, healthy business

Balance | PlanHQ | 0 Comments

Healthy body, Healthy Mind, healthy business

The number 1 thing behind building a healthy and fun business is keeping your body and mind healthy. It's hard yards starting, running, and growing your business, and the commitment and persistence required to get somewhere takes a lot of your time, and most often something has to give, hopefully thats not your physical health. Me and Oli after a morning swim While its easy to overlook...(Read more)

PlanHQ interview on NPost

PlanHQ | PlanHQ | 0 Comments

PlanHQ interview on NPost

Here's an interview I did with Nathan Kaiser from Npost. Nathan does a pretty awesome job of not only keeping up with all the online startups around, but also 1 by 1 interviews CEO's from web startups from all around. Thanks Nathan, a great resource.